Saturday, May 03, 2008

Graphite "Painting"

This is another graphite "painting" using the pencil lead laid flat against the paper. Used a variety of degrees of pencils to fill the various values.


Christie said...

Ahh, the Oregon coast -- this is exactly how it appears in my memory banks. Good work!

Alan said...

You are the second person to place this on the Oregon coast, but it is actually on Molokai.

Teri said...

Really an impressive sketch Alan.

Anonymous said...

Excellent graphite sketches. One of my favorite mediums.
BTW, you can get graphite in woodless pencils, in sticks (like pastels), and in powdered form. I heard somewhere that you can dip a brush in terpentine and "paint" with graphite powder. I haven't tried this yet but I would like to soon.
Good job.

E-J said...

The side-of-the-lead technique worked extremely well here. And what a valuable exercise (no pun intended) in values.